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An Exciting New Universe Of Writing - By Ankit Kumar

                                  Last Update 22nd Sep 2024

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Ankit Kumar is an author who writes and interacts while doing it. Not a common way, but a unique one. It gives wings to your imagination and ideas.


A consistent discussion makes the world perfect!


He is the author of "On A Drive With Life!", and the creator of Illume-Verse based on his newly launched trilogy of, "Illume, Ashes and The Wind", which has gripped the nation.

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Illume, Ashes and The Wind,
is the newly launched novel of
Ankit Kumar, and an enchanting
addition to AKVERSE.

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ILLUMANES WHO HAVE SPOKEN - Please visit the SPEAKING ILLUMANE Section to know more!


Mr. Parveen Sharma is a teacher. He is a mentor to budding authors, and grooms both teachers and students in creative writing. He is a blogger in both Hindi and English. He is a leading educational podcast at national level. He is also in the panel of experts for NCERT. He recently received the National Podcast Award for the best program. Mr. Parveen Sharma is a person who has influenced me a lot, and played a great role in showing me the right track. Find more about our discussion in the Speaking Illumane Section.


Parveen Sharma: I feel proud that Ankit is not only entertaining the readers, but also engaging them. Ankit interacts with both the readers and the characters.

He is the middle ground to both Naveen Devdutt and Amish Tripathi. An image gets created when you read the book. That shows the competence of the writer. I support #THOSE30PAGES.


@Parveen Sharma, Sir, a decade ago, it was your guidance that paved the way for this exciting new world of Illume. I am honored to be mentored by a person whose initiatives through podcasts, blogging and teaching is changing the world of creative writing. Your efforts are securing and cementing the noble bond of a teacher with a student. It is my privilege to have interacted with you!


Please find the entire interaction with Mr. Parveen Sharma, in the Speaking Illumane Section.

Vikram Srivastava is an advocate and a Social Reformer who has been working on the laws pertaining to Child Rights. He is the founder of iThought (Independent Thought) that petitioned in the Supreme Court to declare sex with minor wife as rape.


He is a voracious reader, with an exceptional quality to look into minor details.


Vikram Srivastava: 'I support the innovative campaign. #Those30Pages. I feel privileged to have the initial draft chapters, from the section, #Those30Pages. I am looking forward for the whole book in my hand!


@VikarmSrivastava, Sir, I had the honor to work with you some 12 Years back. You are a person who has dedicated his entire life for the welfare of the society. It is my privilege to have interacted with you! Please support him on Facebook and Twitter.


Please find the entire interaction with this great person, Mr. Vikram Srivastava, in the Speaking Illumane Section.


TheBookFora aka Ms. Toshika Tripathi is based out of Patna. She is a reader who never gives up, and find books in various genre to keep going. Her reviews have started to gain critical acclaim. Books have always remained an integral part of her life.


To make her hobby helpful to many struggling authors out there, she started her Instagram Handle - TheBookFora, that provides honest reviews and fascinating reading experiences.


Toshika: 'Illume is a crisp, precise and mesmerizing story telling. All the characters are carved with every imaginable emotion. The way its plots build and unfold is bound to keep us enthralled.

@THEBOOKFORAAKVERSE is honored to have you as an addition to the ever increasing list of Illumanes.


Please find the entire interaction with Toshika in the Speaking Illumane Section.

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