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City Of Dharma

Illume, Ashes and The Wind is now Live!!. Click to know more.


Dharma was the holiest city of ancient Earth or Illume. It was there where the Almighty had appeared after creating the marvelous world of Illume. Before departing to create seven other worlds at seven corners of the Universe, the Almighty had summoned his three children, Goddess Aikya, Goddess Pragya, and God Sahasya at Dharma.


They were to be the guardians of Illume until their father returned. But their naïve desire to create a life that can admire the beauty of Illume sowed the seeds of differences that lived through eternity. God Sahasya created a human-like species named after him. He wanted the Sahasyas to control, rule, and provide security to Illume. Goddess Pragya, who was critical of his brother, created the Pragyas who would administer and preserve tranquility. Disheartened, the noble Aikya created the Aikyas, who like their creator, would coexist with everything.


The three races would continue to suffer the consequences through numerous wars, slavery, and mutual distrust. The Three Gods did try to stop the bloodshed and appeared at Dharma, in The Garden of Realignment to raise the truce. They would later agree to divide Illume into three- Pragyasth for the Pragyas, Sahasyasth for the Sahasyas, and Aikyasth for the Aikyas.


But this did not stop the relentless wars, and when the Almighty finally returned in Dharma, his anger brought the world to its knees. He banished his children, and from his wrath would emerge the mighty Danav.  The Priests established the Temple of The Three Priests in Dharma to solace the Almighty's anger. It was their holy prayers that kept the Danav at bay. The Almighty also blessed Dharma with the Golden Sword, the Bearer of which would someday establish the golden reign of the Almighty.


The history of their rivalry was tragic, something I would be covering in detail in the later books, but the legend would live on in every strife. And Dharma would always remain in the heart of it.


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Illume, Ashes and The Wind,
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Ankit Kumar, and an enchanting
addition to AKVERSE.

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