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Illume, Ashes and The Wind is now Live. Click to know more.



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ILLUME is Almighty’s greatest creation and the ancient name of Earth. It combines an immersive world with early Vedic Gods and humans with fast-paced writing, a distinctive map, and a diverse cast of characters. It tells a story of Illume shaping the world's ancient human civilizations, beliefs and religions (early-Vedic times). It includes myths that are mostly not covered and presents folklores with a twist. (Click on Illume-Verse to find tons of more information.)


The human race has gone through millions of transformations and transitions. However, their core beliefs had always remained the same. If you explore the traditions, religious practices, or even eating habits, you would find a point of intersection somewhere in history. Even the most horrible notion of "Racism" finds its roots somewhere in our past. As an author, I found that to be an interesting thought, and it was even more fun exploring and fictionalizing the untapped history of our civilizations. In Illume, you would find the ancient tribes, mythological weapons, temples, beliefs, gods, demons, and even the ancient creatures, that through stories and whispers became legends. The idea of such a world has captivated our minds throughout history.


As the story goes:


There was a time when Illume was the abode of Gods. But even before that, there was nothing but emptiness. Time itself, space, and all universal laws were absent. Today, even to conceive such an existence is difficult. But in that place where nothing exists, and that time where there was no time, the Almighty exists.


The Almighty wished to endure peace, stability, and order in the universe. He wished of creating seven worlds posed at different corners of the universe. He started with care, caution, and dedication, and with hundreds of years passed by, he designed his marvelous creation, Illume. It was a world that had sufficient water, sunlight, air, and life. He even dedicated three moons to his three children as a gift to solace the beautiful lands of Illume. Two huge rivers, Ananta and Vaitarna bloomed it. Vaitarna separated a fertile land east from the huge west, while Ananta separated similar huge south from the other two. The Almighty appeared in the city of Dharma and summoned his three children, Goddess Pragya, Goddess Aikya and God Sahasya. They were given the task to see his wish accomplished during his absence before he went on to create another six worlds.


Bounded by love and affection, the siblings sat down to decide the future of Illume. Aware that without a life with a brain, no one would admire the beauty of their father’s creation. But a disagreement brought siblings at odds. Sahasya wished an Illumane possessing strength and power to rule this place. His sister, Pragya shared a different opinion. She desired Illume to be ruled by those pure at heart, calm and intellectual at mind, swift in actions, and decisive in goals. While Aikya, the youngest of them wished equality for all.


She wished no ruler for this magnificent creation of their father. An Illumane for her was someone who shared the world with all living beings. He would be calm. He would respect every gift the Gods had given to this world. He would oversee its peace and prosperity. 


Indeed she was farsighted.


Sahasya, unheard the sisters’ pleas and created an Illumane he desired. This further instigated Pragya to design a race of her own choice. While when nothing went right, Aikya created a race she had envisaged. Aware that any friction among the three would eventually drive Illume to destruction, the three sat down again. The three races in the end were the sons and daughters of the same god. Hence, the Aikyas by their nature were given the task of agriculture, the Pragyas because of their wit were commanded to administer while the Sahasyas were to maintain security and stability.


For years things went right. Each race worshipped its own creator. The theory of one ultimate God who created this world was soon forgotten. But the line of discontent was forged deep by the Gods themselves. The Sahasyas and Pragyas remained always at odds while the poor Aikyas did their duty well. The Sahasyas wanted the grain supplies directly to themselves. Trust on Pragyas...What trust? For them the Pragyas were wicked administrators, too diplomatic and stern on rules. Rumors ran wild. They were alleged of hoarding grains and soon the Gods’ greatest fear came to life. 


The Great War had begun! (Click on the links to explore. Click here for Illume-Verse)


The Sahasyas began to mercilessly murder the Pragyas, who fought back, and steadily began to overwhelm the Sahasyas. The Aikyas suffered the most for their non allegiance with either race. Disturbed, The Three Gods met at the Garden Of Re-alignment, not for away from Dharma. Goddess Pragya raged in anger and in her fury burnt a huge rock white. The white stone was laid down on which the Gods made their pact. Illume was divided equally among the three. The lands to the north of the River Ananta, known as Pragyasth were given to the Pragyas. The fertile lands to the east of Vaitarna River known as Aikyasth were given to the Aikyas. While to the west was Sahasyasth, which was to be ruled by the Sahasyas. Goddess Aikya went cold as ice and through her virtue, a statue appeared. The Statue of Virtue signified that the truce had been raised and hostilities must stop.


But mistrust and plunder prevailed before the Almighty finally returned. He raged and stomped in Dharma, the very place where he had once summoned his three children. He roared, and a fiery storm engulfed Illume. The chief of Aikyas, the King of the Sahasyas, and the Elders of the Pragyas pleaded for mercy. The Gods implored for forgiveness, but the Almighty cursed them to live in disparity before disowning them. In a flash, everything fell silent before the Gods abandoned Illume.


The three races agreed never to fight again. And beyond the Almighty’s Wrath, peace prevailed. But no one knew that from the Almighty’s wrath had risen an unknown dark power, Danav. He went across Illume, claiming to be the only divine presence left in the world. The Asuras or the Danavs formed a radical group to rule and control the world. But from despair had risen a new hope. The High Priest of each race had a vision from their respective Gods. They needed to solace their angered Almighty. The Three Priests gathered at Dharma to lay the foundation of a Holy Temple. This temple was to be at the intersection of The Garden of Re-alignment, The Statue of Virtue, and the White Stone of Pragya. It would be the same place where the Almighty had once appeared! They stood united, and through their selfless devotion and prayers, things began to change.


Danav was weakened. He could not breathe the free air, and he was forced escaped with his followers. He carved out a piece of land from Aikyasth and Sahasyasth, which came to be known as, the Pathala. A perilous river, Danu, appeared and veiled the world of Danav from the free world beyond. The world of Illume still suffers from the scars of the past.


Illumanes believe that when the prayers of The Three Priests were finally heeded by the Almighty, a Golden Sword was gifted to Illume. It had appeared in the temple and had unbelievable power to save Illume. (Click to know more)


I invite you to swim with me and explore this beautiful but dangerous world of Illume.


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Illume, Ashes and The Wind,
is the latest novel of
Ankit Kumar, and an enchanting
addition to AKVERSE.

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