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Illume, Ashes and The Wind is now Live!

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The Speaking Illumanes

The First Illumane: The Creator of Illume-Verse, Author, Ankit Kumar


Illume, Ashes and The Wind is now Live! Click to know more.

An Illumane always captures imagination!

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A Mentored Imagination and Articulation - Parveen Sharma, an Illumane - #Those30Pages

Swim into the immersive new

Illume, Ashes and The Wind,
is the latest novel of
Ankit Kumar, and an enchanting
addition to AKVERSE.


Mr. Parveen Sharma is a teacher. He is a mentor to budding authors, and grooms both teachers and students in creative writing. He is a blogger in both Hindi and English. He is a leading educational podcast at national level. He is also in the panel of experts for NCERT. He recently received the National Podcast Award for the best program. Mr. Parveen Sharma is a person who has influenced me a lot, and played a great role in showing me the right track. Find more about our discussion in the Speaking Illumane Section.


Parveen Sharma: I feel proud that Ankit is not only entertaining the readers, but also engaging them. Ankit interacts with both the readers and the characters. He is the middle ground to both Naveen Devdutt and Amish Tripathi. An image gets created when you read the book. That shows the competence of the writer. I support #THOSE30PAGES

Imagination and Interaction - Vikram Srivastava, an Illumane - #Those30Pages

Vikram Srivastava is an advocate and a Social Reformer who has been working on the laws pertaining to Child Rights. He is the founder of iThought (Independent Thought) that petitioned in the Supreme Court to declare sex with minor wife as rape.


He is a voracious reader, with an exceptional quality to look into minor details.


Vikram Srivastava: 'I support the innovative campaign. #Those30Pages. I feel privileged to have the initial draft chapters, from the section, #Those30Pages. I am looking forward for the whole book in my hand!


Reviewer Reviews (PART 1) - BookFora, an Illumane - #Those30Pages


1. Readers want to know about you and your contribution towards the world of writing.


Aloha, from TheBookFora! 

I am based out of Patna and started TheBookFora Instagram(Click) handle to share my fascinating reading experiences. Books were always integral part of my life right from the beginning. I would steal sometime out of my course books to dive into the world of fictional characters.

As my bio says a book can change your life’ , it did change mine! 

2. What are your views about my concept of imagination and interaction? And how does it changes the presentation of a book/novel?


Your imagination has the capability to reach out to people, even to those who are novice readers. With Novice I intend to refer to those who hesitate in picking up a heavy novel because they are not sure whether they will be able to complete it. I don’t feel that dilemma with Illume. It has been designed in a way that one can imagine  the story building around them. The initial 30 pages are simply picturesque and surreal! Also your effort to reach out to the avid readers and critics around, is surely going to benefit the overall design and placement of events within the story. 
When you understand your readers , you write with them and for them. You feel more connected to your audience.

3. How was experience reading Illume? How is it different from others?


A crisp, precise and mesmerizing story-telling, wherein all conversations have been planned and laid out in a systematic manner. All characters are carved with every imaginable emotion. It is bound to keep us enthralled and excited through the plots that builds and unfolds. What attracts me the most in fictional novels, is the style of writing. I prefer the simple yet fancy literature. Your high fantasy fiction novel would definitely to keep the readers riveted.

4. Anything you want to add?


This might sound repetitive to you, but I really like your characters and their zeal. Just don’t kill my favourite ones please! Jokes apart, keep introducing us to new twists and turns. Don't go too dramatic, or too subtle. Keep it simple ,the way it is. 

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