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The Death Smog

Pen is might...

But imagination is power!

PC: Random.

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the making. Below is a

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I admit I might have used my writer's imagination to limit the world of living Earth within an envelope of a couple of thousand kilometers. But my sole aim was to make the stories simpler.


The legends of Illume mention this - When the ancient God Sahasya (as he was known) was disowned by his father, The Almighty, he surrounded the world with a Death Smog. He exiled himself into the never-ending sea and created a boundary of a poisonous smog to prevent anyone from following him. There is also a prevalent belief that when the Gods abandoned Illume, they secluded it with a Death Smog. 


Some even believed that Gods wanted Pragyas, Aikyas, and the Sahasyas to die fighting each other and expected that the evil in Danav, who remained trapped in Pathala, would also perish with them!
Death Smog is similar to the concept of the end of the world. Many civilizations have believed that the world had a boundary beyond which there was nothing. This smog would be the genesis of all such notions and explain how the idea of the "End of World" became part of our common conscience.


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Illume, Ashes and The Wind,
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