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The Dugas

Pen is might...

But imagination is power!

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The Tales of Origins- In Illume, it is the Holy Book that describes the story of Illume's creation. The Book also ascertains the presence of four divine Gods - The Almighty, and his children God Sahasya and Goddess Pragya and Aikya. While each race named after their creators worshipped their parent God, they vehemently discarded the concept of any God other than these four. (Subscribe to my Newsletter and be the first to know more about it)


The story of the Dugas is shrouded in mystery, like their religion. When God Sahasya abandoned Illume and surrounded the world with The Death Smog, some of the Sahasyas followed him to the island of Dugasthan until the deadly smog stopped their advance. The world at that time seemed orphan. None of the Gods had stayed back, but the Sahasyas who got trapped in Dugasthan encountered a divine appearance. They saw a mother Goddess transcending from the heavens. They called her, Duga (In their accent). She had numerous arms, a trident, and a spinning disk with blades along with numerous other weapons.


The presence of a Mother Goddess made them feel complete and secure. It was not long before when these Sahasyas started calling themselves the Dugas. They tried to propagate the same message in the mainland, but the Sahasyas, Pragyas, and Aikyas persecuted them brutally. For them, it was blasphemous to accept any God who was not part of their creation. The Dugas made their last stand in Dugasthan. Sahasyasth did try to bring the island back to its fold, but its proximity to the Death Smog and the fanatic defense shown by the Dugas always kept them at bay.


Though Dugasthan struggled for food and other amenities, they would always plunder the mainland whenever Magnetum tried to choke them completely. The Sahasyasth even built the Vedha's Wall, named after their Kings, to repulse the Dugas from sneaking in and looting their citizens.


The concept of a Mother Goddess has always inspired me. Everyone loves the idea of being sheltered by a God who is both a father and a mother. There are hundreds of mythological stories that support the same. The Dugas and their Mother Goddess will play a pivotal role, especially when Danav has risen again, and all the other Gods have abandoned Illume forever.


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Illume, Ashes and The Wind,
is the latest novel of
Ankit Kumar, and an enchanting
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