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The Pragyas

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But imagination is power!

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The Pragyas were medium-built brown people often recognized by their brown or black hairs. They were known for their wit, administrative qualities, and rationality. The world needs a preserver, and I could not find a better characterization of the quality than the Pragyas. They were created by Goddess Pragya after a brief disagreement with her siblings - God Sahasya and God Aikya.


During The Great War, they had nearly wiped off the terror of the Sahasyas. But the unyielding Sahasyas foxed the Pragyas into a trap. This treachery broke the backbone of the Pragyam Army, and the Sahasyas soon gained ground after reconquering the lands they had lost. The war only ended when the Gods intervened and raised the truce, which resulted in giving the land of Pragyasth, north of River Ananta, to the Pragyas. Though usual skirmishes remained with the Sahasyas, the Pragyas slowly grew on to become a great civilization. Their cities could not be rivaled by any, and they had thinkers who were hard to find elsewhere. Yashi, the ancient city and capital of Pragyasth, became the heart of knowledge and growth.


They were the first to bring democracy by electing Rishis, who governed each city. They even had a parliament known as the House of Rishis and the Maharishi to rule Pragyasth. However, Pragyasth's biggest flaw was their disunity. They remained divided into tribes- The Maruts, The Chandras(Later knows as The Suryas), The Aishalis, The Yashis and The Shrutis (Subscribe to my newsletter and be the first to know about them). The Yashis remained the most prominent throughout Pragyam history, while the Aishalis became the most vibrant tribe because of their huge port.


After losing The First War of Dharma to the Sahasyas, the Pragyas lost their strength and were overshadowed by their enemy's might. But everything changed after the arrival of Surya Manu, who was the Bearer of The Golden Sword. He defeated the Sahasyas and established a strong Pragyasth. His son, Indra Manu, carried his legacy, but their world crashed when Vritra, Indra's son, went rogue. (More about Vritra, the legendary demon, in the upcoming articles. Subscribe to my newsletter and be the first to know).


From the point where we start our story, Pragyasth is already in shambles for over twenty years. The Pragyas struggle to survive, while disunity and slavery continue to ruin countless Pragyam lives. But all was going to change, and as the story would present, Illume would rise from the ashes again. The winds of change have begun to blow the old world. Join me to explore this beautiful world of Illume.


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