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The Aikyas

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But imagination is power!

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Aikyas were peace-loving people who were devoted to cultivation. They were medium-built and had grey hairs and eyes. They lived in Aikyasth, east of River Vaitarna. They were no fighters, but they would welcome nothing that may disrupt their peace either. Being orthodox followers of their Chief, they never acknowledged any Kings in Aikyasth. The Chief chose his successor on discretion and not on the bloodline.


The Siltharas were very poor in maintaining a written history, and as such, most of their past had remained vague. They had firm faith in their creator, Goddess Silthara, and believed their Chief to be the preserver of uniformity and their tradition. But it was their orthodox practices that had kept Halcum backward, which often left them as a pawn in the hands of either Pragyas and mostly the Sahasyas. Their capital was Vrishabhasth. Every city and village in Aikyasth had granaries to preserve grains.


The Siltharas took pride in Agasthya Aikyam, the valiant Chief who was born a thousand years back. He was the Bearer of The Golden Sword, and his reign ensured that the Sahasyas and the Pragyas never bullied the Aikyas as they had done for centuries. He established the Enforcers, who played the role of both police and a permanent army. His legends had made him God-like. He remained famous for his journey into the mythical Origic Woods (More about it in coming articles), and Pathala, where he was rumored to have even faced Danav. He was the only Illumane to have crossed into Pathala and returned alive. Since then, the Agasthyams (the descendants of Agasthya Aikyam), have produces numerous Chiefs.


Though being dormant for most of their history, the Aikyas have played crucial roles in shaping Illume. Join me to find how the Aikyas are going to survive the changing Illume, especially when a revolution under a great Agasthyam has begun to grip Aikyasth.


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